Published On: February 28, 2020By

New Site Aiming For Stronger SEO & New Patient Conversion

We’re happy to announce the launch of a new website for our client, Dental Image Therapy Centres. Dental Image Therapy Centres is always challenging us to look for new and better ways to improve their clinic marketing. We saw a way to enhance the user experience (UX) across multiple platforms while also improving SEO and keeping their patients top of mind.

We developed a comprehensive content and user-experience (UX) strategy for the site, aiming to improve organic search traffic and to increase the number of visitors booking appointments.

Updated Design

We knew that about half of all the visits to the website were on mobile devices. While the former site was responsive and mobile-friendly, we knew we could improve the overall mobile experience.

The new site was built from a mobile-first point of view. While we made sure it looked good and worked well on desktops, we really focused on providing a better mobile experience. That means the design looks good on a small screen and it’s easy to navigate to the most important pages quickly like the “Book an Appointment” page.

Updating the design was a key way to help Dental Image Therapy Centres compete with other clinics. The new design has updated photography that is clean. The files are crisp, but not large, allowing the pages to load quickly. The clean design of the pages has a sense of minimalism, allowing people to quickly find what they’re looking for.

The whole site helps communicate important brand messages as well. Dental Image Therapy Centres is welcoming, with two full-service dental clinics. Located in major shopping malls in Winnipeg, they promise high quality, professional dental attention along with comfort and convenience. The clinics routinely invest in state-of-the-art equipment and make sure their clinics are clean, contemporary and friendly. All of that needed to be communicated through the website design.


The newly designed site had to be user-friendly. User experience (UX) is key in driving repeat traffic to the website and keeping visitors there. A concise and clear path allows the patient to easily define and guide their own online journey. It’s easy to find information about the professional staff at each clinic as well as the services they offer. It’s also easy to book an appointment or click to call either clinic, or quickly access an address or map.  One of our primary goals was to make it easy for patients to find what they’re looking for quickly and lead them to book an appointment.

SEO Driven

To remain competitive in the online world, the Dental Image Therapy Centres’ new website had to have strong search engine optimization (SEO).

Changes to the website were made with SEO top of mind. When Google crawls a site, it looks for a few things:

  • The navigation bar
  • The footer
  • Clear metadata and alt tags
  • Its usability
  • Its relevancy

The navigation bar and the footer contain information that outlines what is in the rest of the website. If Google can determine what the other pages contain, and if they’re important, then it should rank the site higher over time.

Making sure that the metadata and alt tags are up to date and relevant can boost SEO. Google’s web crawlers look at metadata and alt tags to help determine the subject of the content on each page. Without proper labeling, it is difficult for the crawlers to read and can lower SEO ratings instead of boosting them.

Google also looks at usability; how easy is it for people to use the website and find what they’re looking for. The home page of the newly designed site contains core information: who Dental Image Therapy Centre is, what they do for patients, where they’re located and when they’re open.

Relevancy relies on how Google views the site as an expert in its industry. Are people finding information that is relevant to what they are searching for? Dental Image Therapy Centres’ new website does this by using testimonials, blogs and videos. Testimonials and a sample of blog posts can be found on the home page, making it easy for Google’s web crawlers to find.

Improved Blog Content

Dental Image Therapy Centres already had a successful blog: Ask A Dentist. Some of the posts are attracting more than 30,000 visitors a year.

To increase engagement and interest, we’ve made sure that each post has at least one image. Approximately 65 per cent of people are visual learners, having an image increases the likelihood that the blog is understood and engaging to Dental Image Therapy Centres’ patients.

We’ve also made sure that the information presented in the Ask A Dentist blog is varied and extended. Having an extended range of information allows for patients to find the answers they’re looking for in a single location. The longer a person is on the website and the more pages that they look at can increase the website’s Google ranking.

A great blog drives traffic and boosts SEO. Ask A Dentist brings visitors from around the world who are looking for dental information. The traffic and relevancy of information shows Google that Dental Image Therapy Centres is an expert in its industry – and boosts its local search results.

Dental Videos

Dental Image Therapy Centres’ redesigned website has included space for videos. Having good videos online will help drive traffic and improve user engagement. When making videos, ensure that subtitles are available for accessibility.

If you’re looking to redesign your website (or build a new one) that is user-friendly and excels in SEO capabilities give us a call, we’d be happy to have a chat to make the vision for your online presence come to life.

We have several years of experience and proven results in helping dental clinics win new patients. You might be interested in this blog post:

How To Win New Patients