Published On: February 25, 2022By

Getting lots of traffic to your website but zero sales? Spending lots of money and time advertising your brand but not getting any leads?

If this sounds like you and your business, we have a solution for you to help resolve your problems and build strong customer relationships.

Understanding how customers interact with your brand from their point of view is essential, and it determines your success in achieving your marketing goals and getting new customers. Have you heard about customer journey mapping? If you’ve never tried it yet, it’s probably a good place to start.

Customer Journey & Marketing Funnel

A customer journey map is the detailed outline that shows how a prospect might find your brand and learn about your products or services. You can learn more about the online sales and marketing funnel we use for our clients in one of our earlier blogs.

Often, many companies get stuck on the top stage of the marketing funnel – the awareness stage. Without intention, they spend on brand awareness ad campaigns. While this can generate traffic, it may not deliver leads.

Boosting brand awareness is highly important; however, without an adequate understanding of the marketing funnel, nurturing leads and segmentation target audience, building good customer relationships and generating qualified leads will be challenging.

Customer Journey Mapping

Customer journey mapping creates a visual representation and supports your marketing funnel.

The primary benefit of customer journey mapping is getting insights into customers’ touchpoints. It’s a better understanding of your customers’ experiences. It helps oversee the tactics and make the brand experience smooth and enjoyable for your customers.

How To Create A Customer Journey Map

Often businesses underestimate the importance of customer journey mapping. And it’s unfortunate. Today, we will guide you on how to build a customer journey map. It’s relatively easy, and you’ll learn how to make it by following six simple steps.

woman with red hair is writing on the white board, she map customer journey

Step 1. Identify Your Goal and Objectives

Planning your goal and objectives is always a must-have. Before customer journey mapping, you need to clearly define what you want to achieve and whom you want to reach.

Step 2. Create Customer Personas And Select Specific Target Audience

After identifying your goal and objectives, you need to answer a fundamental question – who are your ideal customers? We recommend outlining buyer personas’ demographic characteristics by age, gender, occupation, education, parental status, household income and location.

We find it important to analyze existing customer psychographic data too. It will help you get a deeper understanding of their needs, preferences and possible pain points.

Step 3. List All Possible Touchpoints

Now ask yourself the following question – where do your prospects and customers interact with you? Usually, these places are your company’s website, social media, digital ads, email campaigns. You might also include traditional advertising like direct mail, radio ads and even signage.

By mapping your customer journey from the first interaction with your brand through to purchase your products or services, you’ll avoid confusion when it comes to building your lead generation and marketing strategies. When you know your touchpoints, you can do the work to improve each one. That may mean developing retargeting campaigns, enhancing your user-experience, or reducing friction to improve your conversion rates.

Step 4.  Review Existing Content

Review the exciting content you offer to your customers/clients. Make sure all your contact information is up to date. If not, update it. You need to ensure all the touchpoints and content are prepared and smooth. If you notice that some of your touchpoints lack some content, don’t hesitate to create new ways to engage with your existing or potential customers. We like to look at archived content such as blogs and webinars and re-use them for lead generation or retargeting campaigns.

Step 5. Get Ready, Review And Launch

Once you complete customer journey mapping – everything is planned, the audience is specified, touchpoints are clearly defined, and content is reviewed, you should be good to go. We recommend examining everything and testing first to ensure everything is correctly set up and is not missing.

Step 6. Evaluate And Adjust

One of the essential steps in customer journey mapping is evaluation. We highly recommend monitoring and evaluating the performance of your customer journey to ensure you can identify and prevent any issues or challenges your customers may experience. Moreover, there’s always room for improvement. We believe in constantly examining customer journeys at different stages of your marketing funnel to get new ideas on improving them.

If you have any questions about marketing and sales funnels or customer journey mapping, feel free to reach out to us to assist you with creating a more efficient lead generation and nurturing strategy for your business.