This year, UpHouse was proud to be awarded three Anthem Awards, which celebrate purpose & mission-driven work from people, companies and organizations worldwide.
Consent at Work, a collaborative project between Sexuality Education Resource Centre MB, MFL Occupational Health Centre and Klinic Community Health, was recognized in two categories. It received Silver for Human & Civil Rights Branded Content or Collaboration, celebrating campaigns created by or for a brand in an effort to raise awareness for human and civil rights causes. The campaign aims to combat workplace sexual harassment by building consent-based, positive workplace cultures. It also won Silver for Local Awareness Campaign for outstanding and effective examples of work by a local organization or program that raises awareness for a Health Cause.
Consent at Work is still providing free training to workplaces by request across the province, and has collected a number of resources for workers to prevent or address workplace sexual harassment.
We were also thrilled to pick up an award for Huddle, which won a Bronze Anthem Award in Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Community Space or Community Engagement. These awards recognize physical or virtual spaces that bring a community together to pursue mutual interests. We worked collaboratively with over 100 diverse youth across Manitoba to come up with the brand and name for Huddle, which are a collection of local spaces where youth can access mental health, counseling, employment and other services they need in one safe and welcoming space. Huddle is committed to holding space for Manitoba youth, meeting them where they are to make plans for their health together, so it was vital to reflect this in the brand.
We are so proud to have been recognized for these projects alongside our brave and bold clients.

For more on this collaboration, check out our Study: Consulting a Community to Create a Brand.