Internships are like a potluck: you connect with others, sample different “dishes” to get a taste for what you really like, and (maybe most importantly), it’s your chance to wow folks with your individuality and creativity.
And just like most potlucks, there’s always a dish or two with that *special something* that makes it memorable, interesting and leaves people wanting more.
So, what’s the secret ingredient? How can you make your mark at your next internship (and maybe even get a job offer at the end of it)?
UpHouse has hosted some fantastic interns over the years, many of whom we’ve hired as full-time staff. We’ve noticed some common things the best interns do that leave us impressed and wanting to keep them around—and we’re going to share that recipe with you.
Here are our top 10 ingredients to having the best internship possible so you can learn about the industry, discover your strengths, and ultimately, make a stellar impression. Let’s dig in!

1. Be a hand raiser
A surefire way to showcase your initiative as an intern is to say yes to everything. No task or project is too big or too small, so offer to take on work whenever you can. Not only will that impress the team, but you’ll also gain a ton of valuable experience you can add to your resume.
SPICE IT UP: Try taking on work from other departments! You might discover a new interest that surprises you (and you’ll be helping the team at the same time).
2. Be a professional – because you are one
From the minute you enter the workplace, you are now an industry professional. It’s your time to make a good impression! Introduce yourself and express how you’re excited to be there. You’re more likely to be remembered if you carry yourself with confidence and stay engaged during your entire internship.
A DASH OF DETAIL: Get your email and internal messaging set up right away and make sure your notifications are on! Respond promptly to meeting invites, emails and messages—it’ll show you’re organized and on top of your work.
3. Get to know the team
Introduce yourself to everyone you can. You have a wealth of industry professionals at your fingertips so ask questions and take an interest in what they do. It’s a gift to learn from so many folks before you officially start your career—take advantage of it!
MIX IT UP: Want a bit more facetime with a coworker? Ask to take them for a coffee so you can pick their brain about their role or the industry. Every interaction is a chance to learn something new.

4. Participate in the work culture
The best way to create connections is to participate! Is your workplace having a crafting session over lunch? Sign yourself up and join in on those extracurricular activities. It’s a great way to socialize and build rapport with your coworkers outside of daily tasks.
5. Be curious and ask questions
Ask LOTS of questions: about the workplace, about your coworkers’ roles and even about the work itself! It’ll showcase your initiative and eagerness to learn.
Ask for feedback often. Check in to see how your work is going and take every opportunity to learn something from your peers. This doesn’t stop after you’re an intern; the best industry professionals are curious and continue to learn throughout their careers.
6. Care about the details
Details matter, so pay attention to them. What are the document naming conventions? Where are you supposed to save your work? Who needs to proof your work? Make sure you have all the info you need to be successful and follow through.
MEASUREMENTS MATTER: Thoroughly review your own work at least twice before sending it to someone else for a proof. Text-to-speech tools like Word’s Immersive Reader can help you catch errors, especially when proofing your own work. Ensure proper names (especially client names!) are spelled correctly and do a spell check. You’ll be more likely to catch any mistakes and send over a clean document.

7. Be proactive
The best interns are self-managers. Be organized, stay on top of your tasks and take initiative. Have extra time? Ask for more work. Think a process could be improved? Share your idea. Want to take on a new opportunity? Communicate your goals. Your coworkers will be more than happy to help (and will reward interns who take initiative)!
PRO TIP: If organization isn’t your forte, ask your peers for tips on what you can do to be successful.
8. Come prepared
An easy way to wow your coworkers is to be prepared and bring new ideas to the table. If meeting invites have notes or agendas, read them. If you’re missing information, ask for it. Being well prepared and well informed helps you contribute more effectively.
SPICE IT UP: Take some risks! If you’re given an assignment and think you can push an idea, do it. Your internship is a great place to try new things and stretch yourself.
9. Treat your internship like a job interview (because it is one)
Work hard, get involved and connect often with your coworkers to make a great impression during your internship. The marketing and public relations industry is small and you never know who could be a future employer, coworker or reference—you want people to put in a good word for you! Be professional, be engaged and show up with a good attitude and you’ll be well on your way.
10. Have FUN!
This is such an exciting time in your life and with all the new changes, it’s normal to feel growing pains. Remember to HAVE FUN and enjoy the journey! Be eager to learn and soak up every new experience as it comes.
You got this! xoxo