Published On: January 15, 2021By

American In-House Marketers are saving 30% – 40% on agency fees by switching to a Canadian ad agency. We’re hosting a webinar to let you know all ABOOT it!

In a time of budget reviews, marketing cuts and closer scrutiny of your spending, in-house marketers need to find savings that don’t sacrifice results. There’s a solution that shaves down outside agency fees without compromising your creative collateral. It’s simple: switch to a Canadian ad agency.

We’re here to make a case for Canada.

Right now, $1 US represents $1.40 Canadian (CAD). This means you would immediately save about $.30 for every dollar you spend with a Canadian agency. Plus, Canadian agency rates are traditionally lower, which takes you even further.

A collage of a red cabin, mountains, forests and a person wrapped in a Canadian flag.

We only charge you our regular Canadian agency fees (that we convert into USD before billing), so your invoice will come in roughly 30% below what you’re used to paying with a US agency.

But the savings are only just ONE benefit with working with us Canucks. We want to let you know about so much more, and we hope you register today!