Understanding the Challenge
Finding the Process
What Happened Next?
The anything-goes nature of the cannabis industry has really worked to our benefit for this project. Nothing is off the table, and growers can have wildly different ideas of how they want to represent their brand visually.
Since each client has a unique story and background, we’re able to apply a single framework to build out each brand and still end up with a cool individual identity for everyone
Marketing Tips for Working with a Tight Budget
Set clear expectations and be transparent.
When you have limited resources, it’s important for everyone to be on the same page. Make sure everyone understands what the agency is responsible for, what the client is responsible for, and how much (or little) opportunity the client will have for input and revision. -
A framework can save a lot of time.
If you’re taking on a project where there’s a lot of repetition in production, establishing a streamlined framework will not only help you work efficiently, but it can also help you focus your energy and time on what’s most important. -
Involve the client early.
When a project budget is small, involving the client early on can help you find focus and clarity. Plus, a direct line to the person who is ultimately going to approve the final product can really cut down on revisions.