Published On: May 7, 2019By
The campaign “See Yourself Like Never Before” picked up best online long form video, reinforcing Balmoral Hall School’s position that it is more important to develop a girl’s character than focus solely on her future career and post-secondary accolades. Using candid interviews with current Balmoral Hall School students, the video asks the girls a common question asked of young students, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Later in the video, the question is reframed: “Who do you want to be when you grow up?” The girls’ responses are sweet, funny, thoughtful, courageous, empowering and awe-inspiring, and audiences everywhere have connected deeply with them.
“As educators, it’s our responsibility to prepare students for purposeful careers,” says Head of School Joanne Kamins. “Emotional intelligence is a strength that girls develop at Balmoral Hall School, collaboratively and independently. By asking them who (instead of what) they want to become, we empower them to continue building that strength.”
When the video was released, it quickly earned over 17,000 views, and over 100 shares on Facebook – one of the hardest acts to incite on promotional content online. The video has since been translated to Mandarin, Spanish, Japanese and Vietnamese, aligning prospective international students and their parents to the same values of graduating confident girls.
“Balmoral Hall School is a unique and amazing place. The school and students are unapologetically bold and are accomplishing incredible things. It’s an honour to help share what they’re already doing with a larger audience,” says Alex Varricchio, co-owner of UpHouse.