Published On: April 14, 2024By

On Saturday, May 11, 2024, we’re kicking it into high gear for the Cerebral Palsy Association of Manitoba’s Annual Stationary Bike Race!

The Cerebral Palsy Association of Manitoba is an independent non-profit organization dedicated to enriching the lives of individuals affected by Cerebral Palsy through programs, referrals, advocacy, education, and peer support.

Each year, they host a fundraiser that acts as a sort of stationary bike race relay, in which teams participate by riding a bike in 25 minute intervals from morning well into the afternoon. Bicycles are a great equalizer for those with Cerebral Palsy, a disorder that affect one’s ability to move and maintain balance, as these modes of transportation can be adapted in numerous ways to suit the needs of their riders.

In recent years, we’ve been able to spread the work of those at CPMB and help amplify the voices of those living with Cerebral Palsy in our province. This video, filmed virtually over the pandemic, is only a tiny example of the, compassion, kindness and wisdom that  is forced into isolation when the world isn’t changed to be accessible to those with Cerebral Palsy and other disabilities.


How can you help?

If you’ve made it this far down the rabbit hole, we appreciate you. If you’d like to go farther and have some extra funds that you’d like to go to good use, you can donate to our team page.

All you need to do is select the option to support a Team and choose Wook Up Like This (it’s our go to name for any Wookey Films and UpHouse Inc. collaborations).

Alternately, if a specific rider sent you here, you can select the Rider option, choose Wook Up Like This as the team and search for your rider of choice!