Design + Photography

As experts in visual expression and communication, we’re ready to jump in where you need us.

UpHouse has a vast network of in-house art direction and design experts and external specialists ready to visually bring forward the intangible parts of your brand. We’re up for any challenge to elevate your visual ideas and make them real.

We approach every project and client with the same level of curiosity, care and quality, whether we’re developing a full brand identity or a single social media post. We’re big on collaboration—our goal is to deeply understand your brand or project so we can knock the creative solution out of the park.

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There are many ways visuals can come to life.

Here is where we come in:

Graphic Design

Graphic design is a catch-all for everything we do, since most visual projects require it. We create brand identities, campaign identities and print and digital collateral for our clients.

The best way to know what type of design work is right for your project starts with understanding the difference between concept and production design.

Concept design happens when our design team develops the visual expression of a concept. We’ll work with you and our creative team to understand what you need to communicate, then we’ll dig deep, explore multiple visual directions and share the work that best represents our big ideas.

Production design involves executing deliverables once a concept is already developed. These could be creating digital or print assets, exporting logos or files, providing brand guidelines or updating existing creative.

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Art Direction

Our art directors are the hole-pokers and problem solvers who strive for the best possible creative solutions. There are many facets to this type of work.

Creative Ideation and Delegation: We’ll play a key role in coming up with the creative idea or concept and then assemble the right people to execute it. We’ll use our in-house design team or bring in other experts to get the job done right. We’ll look at how elements like illustration, photography or typography can come together to produce the desired look and feel and communicate your brand effectively.

Video and Photoshoots: We’ll work with our creative team to help develop photo and video concepts, storyboard ideas, design sets, as well as source (or create) props and wardrobe pieces. We work behind-the-scenes and on-set to help our team achieve a visually cohesive product.

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We prioritize diversity and representation in all our design efforts, whether it’s ensuring the highest compliance with accessibility for contrast and readability, or when hiring front-facing talent or backstage crew. Not only do we prioritize hiring visibly diverse talent and crew, we also hire folks with invisible disabilities or with varying abilities. We want our team to reflect the community we’re in and to hold our work accountable. This means aiming for the highest standards of representation, accessibility and authenticity in our work—and pushing clients not to accept anything less, as well.

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Interested in learning more about our Design + Photography services?

Let’s get in touch!

Call us: 431-478-1473 
Send us an email: [email protected]
Schedule a low-pressure, no-obligation meeting with us.

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