‘Tis the season to be jolly, but for many, it’s also the season of hustling harder than Santa’s elves on Christmas Eve. We’ve been wrapped up in the notion of hustle culture, a gift that keeps on giving stress, burnout and a serious lack of time for what really matters.
The Naughty Side of Entrepreneurship
I started my business some months ago. As soon as I joined the entrepreneur club, everyone was expecting me to work over weekends. I was expected to wake up at 5 am, post daily content, meditate, exercise, use the latest organization app, answer clients 24/7, check my phone constantly and eat in front of my computer, if I was lucky. Yeah, apparently all of that comes along with the flexible schedule (which means working holidays) and a t-shirt they forgot to send saying “rise and grind,” or something like that.
In that starter pack, with the quest to solve problems and make an impact, we sometimes forget to solve the most crucial problem—our own well-being.
Let Me Introduce You to the One and Only Hustle Culture.
Let’s talk hustle culture—also known as burnout culture—a phenomenon that’s as common as ugly Christmas sweaters at holiday parties.
Ever felt guilty for taking a day off? Congratulations, you’re a certified member of the hustle group! In a survey of remote workers, 62% were afraid of being labelled lazy for having the audacity to work from home, even though they were more productive than ever. Guilt, the unsung hero of hustle culture—it’s like the coal in our stockings, a constant reminder that we should be doing something productive instead of enjoying a well-deserved break with our loved ones.

How to Escape Hustle Culture: Your Nice List Strategy
There are many “how-to” guides on how to recover or escape this hamster ball: setting boundaries, taking breaks, prioritizing self-care, etc…
But if one of these things has changed my whole perception: it’s kindness.
Well, kindness and introspection.
When I say introspection, I mean getting to know you.
I always say this to people, you know yourself as a mom, a daughter, a friend, an employee… but you don’t know yourself as an entrepreneur. You need to rediscover yourself in each phase of your life. This is a new you, it is okay to not have everything figured out.
When people ask me, I am honest in saying that I don’t have the perfect work flow yet. I sometimes don’t have everything under control or I don’t know what the next step is. And that’s okay!
I feel that saying this takes away the pressure placed on us by this perfect society. I want to be real, vulnerable, honest and most of all, compassionate with myself.
Achieving work-life balance is a journey, not a destination. Adapt, prioritize and keep going—only you know what you need here and now. And if that changes over time, accept it and give yourself grace through that change.
Naughty or nice, everyone deserves a spa day.
And this holiday season, leave your computer behind. You’re not Santa; you don’t have to check your list twice.
Hustle culture sells us a one-size-fits-all version of success. But let’s be real, not everyone dreams of owning a mansion or cruising in a sports car. Maybe your dream is to build a snowman with your family or binge-watch holiday movies in your PJs.

Don’t Let the Hustle Culture Dictate Your Goals. It’s Time to Define Your Own Version of Success.
In this journey as an entrepreneur, the most important voice is yours. Don’t force yourself to follow trends or guru advice just because. The key is to feel that each strategy is aligned with you and your business, resonating with what you do.
Don’t let anyone question your schedule or way of working. If it works for you, that’s the only truth you need. Success doesn’t have a single formula; it’s achieved through different paths and at different times.
For instance, I love email marketing. That is, writing strategic emails and sequences using storytelling and other copy techniques. And you know what? I don’t have a newsletter, nor am I currently using email as part of my strategy.
Whaaaaaat?! I know, it’s crazy.
Despite all this, I’ve gained clients, projects, been a speaker and landed amazing opportunities.
Does this mean you have to follow my steps or that I don’t recommend using email marketing? Absolutely not.
What it means is that I haven’t done it yet because I didn’t have the capacity, it didn’t feel aligned with me, or it wasn’t the moment. It means you have to know what works for you. Of course, I will use those strategies in the future, sooner rather than later, but not using them until now hasn’t prevented me from achieving my goals. (But it saved me from burnout).
Remember, it’s okay to make mistakes. It’s part of the journey. The important thing is to keep going, learn and adapt. There are no absolute truths or exact sciences in entrepreneurship.
Trust your intuition, your way of doing things, and you’ll see that success comes from embracing your authenticity.
Unwrapping the True Gift: Rest
In a world where “booked and busy” is the anthem, it’s time to challenge the status quo. Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is rest. It’s not about “fake it till you make it,” it’s about accepting that making it doesn’t have to cost your sanity.
Here’s the plot twist: success at the cost of health is a plotline we should reject. Ask for help, take breaks and remember—you can’t drive a car on an empty tank.
Let’s raise a virtual toast to you—rocking around your entrepreneurial dreams without the jingle-jangle of burnout bells. May your days be merry, your goals be bright and your downtime be downright delightful. Here’s to crafting a business vibe that syncs with your rhythm and letting the good times roll.
Take care, stay awesome and remember: sometimes the best gift you can give yourself is the gift of rest. After all, the real magic happens when you unwrap the present of a well-rested, rejuvenated you.
Have an intentional Holiday,
– xoxo, Patricia Gómez
This photoshoot was so special to me. It was done in the Thomas Bun House in Manitoba. I love places with history and this one took my breath away! The photos were taken by a local photographer, Krista Hawryluk.