Published On: May 29, 2021By
Photo of a person speaking from a podium at a CGLCC event.
The pandemic has, in many ways, broken down the barriers of geography and allowed people to connect with one another from anywhere. Like all events, Canada’s LGBT+ Chamber of Commerce (CGLCC) annual Black & White Gala had to go virtual in 2020, and this afforded members and corporate sponsors from across the country the opportunity to share stories and celebrate successes.

Compelling programming is an important component of any virtual event, so we worked with CGLCC to develop a series of videos that would showcase the creativity, resiliency and community-building efforts of members, while also highlighting unique challenges the LGBT+ community has faced.

We knew CGLCC members had some amazing stories and thoughts to share, so we encouraged everyone to send videos and connect over Zoom so we could present a truly national perspective. It was a departure from the slick videos we’ve come to expect at galas, but it worked. As the veil of professionalism has lifted during the pandemic, it’s opened up doors for organizations to try new things without the pressure of perfection — and it also means organizations can create compelling content without big budgets.
By leaning on our network of creatives and sourcing videos from CGLCC members themselves, we developed an engaging series that feels authentic and of the moment, with lasting appeal.

Game Changers

The push for social change and diversity were front and centre in 2020, and we created this video to highlight the ways CGLCC members are championing these important movements. Business leaders shared their thoughts on growing diversity and how their decisions support and elevate BIPOC entrepreneurs and employees. CGLCC members are standing up for what’s right and leading by example when it comes to the role businesses can play in effecting change.


Connection is an intrinsic part of humanity, and Canadian business owners have found all sorts of new and unexpected ways to connect in meaningful ways throughout the pandemic. The Spirit video we created for CGLCC’s virtual gala shines a spotlight on entrepreneurs who have found ways to maintain those connections — to continue to have fun and reach out to one another — in a safe way. It speaks to the heart and spirit of the queer community and the important role that business plays in creating welcoming spaces for everyone.


There was nothing “business as usual” about 2020. Entrepreneurs across the country had to pivot quickly and often to survive the past year of lockdowns and changing safety measures. In this video, we showcased some of the different ways CGLCC members are thriving thanks to experimentation and a willingness to adapt and embrace change. Their creative approaches and unique concepts aimed at supporting both the business and the community speak to their resiliency.

The past year has been all about trying different things, finding new ways to connect and standing up for what’s right, and we worked to convey that through the voice of CGLCC members themselves in this compelling video series.

Learn more about the CGLCC community and its supportive business network: