Published On: March 8, 2023By

Getting started in a business that’s known for being a “boy’s club” can be hard, so in honour of International Women’s Day, the ladies of UpHouse were asked to provide the kind of advice they wished they’d gotten when they entered the marketing industry.

While their answers were as unique as their personalities, there were some consistent pieces of advice I think we can all benefit from.


Your potential is limitless.

It can be easy to tie your self-worth to your work, but your value goes far beyond your job description, your salary or your ability to avoid putting exclamation marks in emails! Own your space and work toward the future you want for yourself. What’s the worst that can happen if you aim high?

Stop worrying so much.

Worrying is an exhausting waste of imagination, trust me, I know. As someone with anxiety, I struggle with focusing on every worst case scenario and can occasionally find myself frozen by tasks that intimidate me. If this sounds like you, it’s important to remember that you’ve gotten to where you are on your own merit — you’re worthy of taking up space and capable of taking on the challenges presented to you.

Trust your cheerleaders.

If you’ve worked with us, or watched the video below, you probably already know that UpHouse is staffed with some expert cheerleaders. If you’re lucky enough to find peers or mentors who can support you on your journey — listen to them when they tell you that you’re awesome (I keep a folder of emails that include a compliment or make me smile so I can get a little dopamine rush when I need it).

Watch the full video to hear their advice in full. It’s two and a half minutes well spent and I know I’ll be coming back to it whenever I need a virtual pump-up from my favourite group of femme folk.