About UpHouse

UpHouse walks the line between an outside advertising agency and a member of your in-house marketing department. We don’t minimize or replace the talent you already have. Instead, we fill in the skill gaps and offer guidance along the way.

We do brand, marketing strategy, concept development and production. We also do creative bootcamps, cross-business brainstorms and creative direction. It’s a mix that we believe modern in-house marketers can appreciate.

Think of us like consultants but better. We’re not just going to make recommendations, we’re willing and able to put in the work that will help you elevate your brand.

UpHouse can solve the top 3 challenges facing in-house marketing teams

More and more organizations are reducing their agency spend and taking their marketing in-house. The move comes with a lot of advantages – it’s cost effective, gives you greater control and leverages your product and industry knowledge.

But it also comes with some disadvantages. That’s where UpHouse comes in.

Can’t hire for
every single skill

You’ve invested in building your in-house team, but it’s nearly impossible to hire for every single skill needed to execute everything that’s required of modern brands. You need a partner that can fill in the skill gaps, without duplicating your team.

UpHouse builds specific work plans around your team and then only offers what you’re missing. If you’ve got designers, we won’t design. If you’ve got traditional covered, we’ll do digital. You get the idea.

Putting out fires,
not building strategies

You’re accountable to a lot of other departments, and as a result, your marketing plan may turn into a laundry list as you try to please everyone. In-house marketing teams may need support getting ahead of fires, focusing on strategy, making a smart plan and following through.

Too close to your
own brand

No one knows your business better than you, but that proximity may limit your ability to see new opportunities. Plus, the stakes are high for your team. That pressure can stop marketers from gambling on a crazy idea that could really pay off.

UpHouse brings the outside perspective needed for ideation and innovation. We also have the processes and expertise to support you in bringing those ideas to life, so they’re not trapped as a wish on a whiteboard.