With so many big changes, additional services and a growing customer base, the firm decided it was also the right time to refresh their brand.
Understanding the Challenge
Finding the Concept
What Happened Next?
Build a diverse network. As creatives, it’s important to bring in different and unique perspectives to every project. Think about who needs to form a relationship with the brand then reach out to your diverse network for feedback—not a stamp of approval but genuine feedback.
Ensure the refreshed brand still reflects a company’s personality. Effective brands reflect a company’s style and tone. The biggest law firms and consultancies have an austerity to their branding. A brand’s marketing collateral needs to set the right expectations.
Less is more to make a brand feel premium. Some brands use a minimalist approach to convey their premium status. When this is the case, only incorporate the most necessary elements and avoid the temptation to continually add to the branding or visual identity.